Thursday, 15 December 2016

My man in Black

My man wearing black outfit, so fascinating and smart,
He mesmerizes by the smiles from his sleek lips and took away my heart.

He is my heart throb, reason to live, bliss of life, my pure love’s part,
I am blessed to be with him in my dark nights and before the day to start.

When I sense lonesome, crushed, sinking in my pains and feel lost,
He always comes as my guardian Angel, to heighten me and to boost.

I want to discover all the crests and troughs, splendor with excellence and flaws,
A fear of losing always over powers me, so I keep my fingers crossed.

If love is a miracle then, it happened with me, I am a princess of my prince,
We are living in each other’s heart, a castle, apart yet loving sweet heart.